Who: Farida and Abdul
What:Dinner and dance party
Where:Leaders Club
Colour:Marine Blue and baby yellow
Caterer:Taste of Tanzania
The bride and Groom hapo walitoka straight from home kufunga ndoa to the party
Their ride..
Le grand entrance..
Happy people
Party ikifunguliwa kwa dua toka kwa Aunty Lydenge
Kamati ikikaribisha waalikwa..
Sherehe ilianza kwa First dance ya bwana na bibi harusi..
Aunty siham and engi..
Abdul and farida ready to toast..
The groom toasting to his in-laws..
Same to the bride..
My brother in law
The Zowange's...
Madada toka kwa zowange wakitambulishwa
Cake to the in-laws
Cake to the in-laws..
Farida akifanya utambulisho wa family..
Multicolour cake Product of Longa Delicacies..
Kata keki tule..
May Happiness surround you Forever
Mc Simba and Mariam
Mkono wa pongezi..
Mrs Fundikira
Mr Fundikira
Mr n Mrs Semali
My odo's
My Wiwo kamaria Mbilikira
Mongy pendezaaa..
Aunt Siham and Saada
Da mgeni
Mrs mwinjaka
Tatu Fundikira and Kamanda fundikira
Marcopolo and shadya
Photo session
Mwenyekiti wa shughuli nzima akitoa zawadi toka kwa kamati
Mr Zowange akisema machache kwa niaba ya family
Utundu.com...Mahmood Mengi and Abdulrahim Faraji wakiwa busy na utundu wakati sherehe ikiendelea..
Abdul and Faraji
Farida,faraji and Abdul
Bi siham
Fatma Ngunde and Mwenyekiti faraji
The End